You are

Yotpo is a neat company,but what makes
it truly great are the people behind it.


We invest heavily in our people, because without the people Yotpo is just another company, start up, reviews solution, app.
Yotpo is a unique place that requires unique people.
Not everyone is a good fit for Yotpo, even great people.

Here's what we value in our people.


Everyone at Yotpo is passionate -- about the company, about their position, about the code, about our users, about reviews etc.

It’s cheesy as hell, but we really love being here and we love what we do.



We need it to grow and, without it, work becomes boring. 
We are people who:

  • 546b5cfabfe293640a5b07e1_icon_sky.png

    Aren’t afraid to try new things

  • 546b5d03bbe0f1b63a20e9ef_icon_brain.png

    Think outside of the box

  • 546b5d0bbbe0f1b63a20e9f2_icon_bulb.png

    Embrace change

  • 546b5d12bbe0f1b63a20e9f3_icon_drink.png

    Love food 
        *not relevant here, 
          but wethought we’d mention it


We move fast and change fast. We are excited by change, and we are highly-adaptable quick thinkers.

Person before experience

We will always bet on the person, rather than on their experience. We believe truly great people will be great at Yotpo, regardless of the work they have done in the past.


We come to Yotpo great, but then we get even better. We challenge ourselves here and try to improve and excel every day.

Obsession with Data

Influence is independent of hierarchy. If you can prove it with data, you have as much power as the CEO.

*Here’s our CEO: Tomer

Hands On

Regardless of title, everyone at Yotpo does real, hard work.



We are assertive in our actions and our words.


We don’t wait for something or someone to come to us -- we go out and get it.


We don’t wait for someone to ask our opinion -- if we have useful feedback, we share it.

Sense of humor

When something goes wrong, we’d rather laugh than get angry or sad.

Sense of humor

When something goes wrong, we’d rather laugh than get angry or sad.

      * A sense of humor is not the same thing as being funny.
        Remember our CEO, Tomer?
        Great sense of humor, not very funny.


If you think you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.